Monday, January 27, 2014

mobile Composting toilet I designed with water catchment and wood stick and bamboo frame.

Birthday party with our Phillipino friends

Phillipino take-over of the adjacent town

Our group of Environment volunteers at our mid-service conference

Visiting our old site. Two soccer balls we gave to our compound kids. Soccer balls are worth their weight in gold to kids in most towns.

We had a Christmas tree!

Waterfall in Kaffa Zone

Last night visiting Kaffa Zone

Timkat Christian holiday celebration

Timkat Horse races. This one is painted like a Zebra. the riders throw the sticks while riding and another rider tries to catch them in mid-stride.

Orthodox Priest having fun with a bat.

Man-made Rock-Carved caves at an Orthodox Monestary. These caves are meant to be a less-grand version of the ancient city of Lalibela in Northern Ethiopia.

1 comment:

  1. Great to catch up on your latest photos! Thanks for posting. That's quite the pro-bee lifestyle w/so many bees in your friends home! That cave looked so cool but crazy management. Dev your mobile composting toilet is a clever idea that needs to be replicated! I esp enjoyed the photo of you and Jill at the pretty waterfall (like your engagement photo). Hope your left knee is healed.xxmom
