Monday, December 3, 2012

Awash National Park

Land sailing

Ethiopian flag

Ostrich reading the daily bulletins.

Awash Falls, the second largest falls in Ethiopia

With our friend Matt

Bird Watching

Nile Crocodile. the largest one we saw.

Our Campsite guards

Hamadryas Baboon (I think) inspecting our campsite.

Garum, our most excitable tour guide

Can you find the Nile Crocodile on the rock?

Our first idyllic African sunset

1 comment:

  1. The rocks above the big croc look like pillow lava which forms when lava pours into water probably during rifting when there may have been a large body of water. Devin, please kick the croc out of the way and get a rock sample. If the croc is stubborn, just remind it that it would taste mighty fine served with lentils and yams. Jill, you can find the recipe @ "Crocs and Crock Cooking Ethiopian Style". Forgive me if I am wrong in presuming that the gals do all the cooking. Blog about your food if you get time.
    Love, Jim and Joi.
