Thursday, August 22, 2013

"CAMP GLOW" Summer Camp for Grade 9 Ethiopian Grls

 In July we participated in a one-week camp for girls in Bekoji, Ethiopia. We selected for girls from our local high school and brought them to camp to join girls and counselors from several other regional towns. the camp was a great success and VERY exhausting. I was in charge of meals and also helped design and lead an obstacle course session and a session on nutrition. Jill led several activities/sessions on a variety of topics. It rained most of the week but we still got to go on a hike and have a great bon-fire at the end. Here are some photos:
These are the four girls we brought from our town. This was a hike we went on in the cold fog; it was the best time all week.

Debriefing a team-building activity

Leading a classroom session

Nutrition pie-charts. Most girls diets consist of a lot of "Injera" which is a sourish type bread pancake that is eaten at almost every meal here. It is made from the grain Teff or sometimes barley.

On top of the mountain

indoor obstacle course! Designing and leading this was the toughest part of the camp for me. and we had to move about three thousand chairs, too.

end-of-camp bonfire and ceremony.

Team building activity that got way out of hand, (sometimes things don't translate to other cultures as well as predicted.

1 comment:

  1. The camp looks like it was a real adventure esp in the rain. That experience will forever change those girls! great work dev and Jill!
